Secrets of Successful Public Speaking

  • Course Duration2 Days/ Available Virtually
  • Course Start  
  • Course Fee2550 EGP
  • Certificate Yes

Secrets of Successful Public Speaking

It is said that many of us fear speaking in front of others more than death. 

While public speaking can be a nerve-wracking experience, it can be extremely beneficial for your career. When you can effectively speak at meetings, give presentations to audiences large and small, and even share your thoughts without time to prepare, you are often perceived as being a better leader than those who remain silent.

If talking in front of a group is difficult or makes you uncomfortable, there are steps you will learn In this course to become a more polished and less fearful public speaker.

How You Will Benefit

After completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Manage your fear of speaking in front of groups

  • Use effective verbal & nonverbal communication techniques 

  • Capture and maintain your audience’s attention

  • Establish your credibility and build rapport

  • Use rehearsals smartly to enhance your presentations.

What You Will Learn

In this webinar, you'll discover tools to minimize your nervousness and a wealth of speaking do's and don'ts, including:

  • How to plan an impactful opening, message delivery, and closing 

  • Tips for getting grounded before you start to speak at meetings and presentations

  • Ways to banish the "ums" and "uhs" that clutter your speech

  • Non-verbal techniques to use and those to avoid 

  • How to speak on the spot — even when the topic is not in your comfort zone.

​Training Approach

Your training experience with HOM includes:

  • Pre- program assessments to clarify your development needs

  • In class highly engaging experiential leaning activities

  • Post –program ongoing support through application tool kits and  phone call coaching sessions.

​Who Should Atend?

This seminar is recommended for every executive with some prior public speaking experience who must speak in front of groups, make presentations, sell ideas to others or face cameras and microphones.


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